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Working at Smile - 19-11-2020 - - 0 comments
What our team learned from safer recruitment training

Safeguarding is our number one priority. Not only do we follow APSCo Compliance+ guidelines but all of our team are safer recruitment trained.

Katy our MD, who is safer recruitment trained, run a training session recently to ensure that our new recruits were up to speed. Here is what they had they learnt during their training, how the impact it has had on their work and why they believe safer recruitment training is important for all those recruiting in the education sector.

Nasriin - Compliance Admin

Why do you think it's important for education recruitment consultants to be safer recruitment trained?

It is important because it gives consultants and other members of the team an insight into the consequences of recruiting the wrong candidates and how potentially easy it can be for that to happen. The training also touches upon the compliance side of things, so consultants can assist their admin in obtaining the right references and notice any gaps in their CV history.

What impact has the training had on your work? Is there anything you are going to do from now on following on from what you learnt? 

I will delve deeper into any employment gaps in the candidate’s timeline to ensure that there is a clear and valid reason for this gap and the reasons behind it.

Georgia - Compliance Admin 

Why do you think it's important for education recruitment consultants to be safer recruitment trained? 

To protect the children and vulnerable adults in our client’s schools from any potential safeguarding hazards.

What impact has the training had on your work? Is there anything you are going to do from now on following on from what you learnt? 

The training has made me think more critically and has highlighted the importance of our compliance procedures.

Anything that surprised you? 

It surprises me that safeguarding has not always been so strong in the past.

Loren - Recruitment Consultant

Why do you think it's important for education recruitment consultants to be safer recruitment trained?

After hearing so many shocking cases from the past where safer education certainly wasn’t in place and children suffered horrendously, I think it’s extremely important that recruitment consultants are safer recruitment trained for the health and wellbeing of the children in our schools.

What impact has the training had on your work? Is there anything you are going to do from now on following on from what you learnt? 

I am going to ensure that all my job adverts to include a sentence to discourage anyone who should not work with children from applying. For example, I will put more emphasis on the need for a DBS and the strictness of our checks in hopes to deter unsuitable applicants. 

Vicky - Resourcer

Why do you think it's important for education recruitment consultants to be safer recruitment trained? 

We work very closely with our candidates so we should be able to pick up on red flags and negative indicators before allowing candidates to get through the doors of a school. We need to identify gaps in knowledge and put relevant training in place or identify candidates who have ulterior motives at the first possible opportunity.

What impact has the training had on your work? Is there anything you are going to do from now on following on from what you learnt? 

I’ll definitely read more into comments made by candidates - I definitely won’t be taking anything at face value. I’ll be pressing candidates for more solid answers to questions where we tend to hear the same things or where the answers could be easily learnt and recited. 

Elisha - Resourcer

Why do you think it's important for education recruitment consultants to be safer recruitment trained? 

I think it’s important for everyone to be trained because everyone needs to be aware of what can happen to children if we don’t do our jobs properly.

What impact has the training had on your work? Is there anything you are going to do from now on following on from what you learnt? 

The training has given me the confidence to ask more probing questions to candidates.

If you are looking for staff for your school, you can rest assured that all of our staff are safer recruitment trained. To make a staff booking for your school, head to our website. We also run safer recruitment training for schools, which have previously been attended by headteachers, HR directors, deputy heads and more, if you would like to book a training session, get in touch


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