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Tips and Tricks - 17-12-2020 - - 0 comments
Tips for Switching-Off at Christmas

It’s important for school staff and education staff alike to switch off over the Christmas break. After all, you’ve worked hard this term and deserve a restful break. 2020 has been a tough year for everyone but there is light at the end of the tunnel! And one thing that did come out of it is that parents and the wider public now have an even greater understanding of the work teachers do thanks to home-schooling. 

Top of your agenda during the break should ‘me time’. That’s right run yourself a long bath, read a book, catch up on the telly you’ve missed. We promise that you’ll feel better for it. This is your chance to put your feet up and relax. However, we know that can be easier said than done so we’ve put together some tips to help you switch off.

Digital detox

Keep work-related worries at bay by switching off any apps and turning off your emails (if possible). That way no notifications can pop up that might cause you to worry away your break.

Make time for you

Of course, you’ll want to use some of this time to spend time with friends and family but don’t forget to make time for yourself too. As we said above this might include running yourself a bubble bath or watching TV but it might also be taking time to exercise or go for a long wintery walk. Whatever it is, do something that’s just for you!

Create a buffer 

If you find particularly tough to switch off consider creating a ‘buffer zone’. So, have one or two days either side of the holiday to check emails and do a little bit of work. Now we aren’t suggesting you spend all day working but if it does help you to relax more than a little bit won’t hurt!

Distract yourself

Don’t burn yourself out but do take the time to have some fun. Obviously, it’s a little bit different this year, but just because you can’t go out, doesn’t mean you can’t have fun. There’s plenty of things you can do at home and Christmas offers the perfect excuse to whack out the board games.

If you are still finding thing difficult, remember there are people you can speak to the Education Support Network who are on hand to provide to support to those who are struggling. 

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