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Tips and Tricks - 31-03-2020 - - 0 comments
Let's get physical, physical!

While you can't go to the gym right now, there are plenty of things that you can do at home to keep fit - things that won't cost you a penny and that might turn out to be pretty fun.

Go for a walk or a run 

You are allowed to go out once per day either alone or with members of your household during the lockdown so make sure you make the most of this time. Walk, run or jog (take your dog if you have one). Not only is it good exercise but being outdoors, will do the world of good!

Get involved int he nation's PE lesson

PE with Joe Wicks is every weekday at 9:00 am and it’s not just for kids but grown-ups too. The whole (well most) of the team at Smile have been giving this a go and have really enjoyed it so far. Why not give it a go?

Dust off an old exercise DVD

Blow the dust off that old exercise DVD and get down to it. Don’t even bother telling us you don’t have one (both we and Davina are judging you).

Find your Wii

We almost guarantee you’ll have a Wii buried in a cupboard somewhere. The console is not only great for helping to get fit but will also entertain your family too. The obvious go-to game would be Wii Fit which has lots of exercise-themed games on it but most of them require you to get moving.

Use your at-home gym equipment

Surprisingly the treadmill or exercise bike you brought 2 years ago is not, we repeat not a clothes horse. It is, in fact, a very useful and totally free to use piece of exercise equipment. So, hang up the clothes, put on your gym kit and get to it!

Challenge yourself

A few of the Smile team are trying their hands, or should we say feet, at the Couch to 5K challenge. There’s even an app that helps you to track your progress to help keep you on track. Hey, after all this is over you could sign up to run a 5K!

Have fun with the kids

If you have children, you may have swings and trampolines dotted around your garden. Get swinging or bouncing and have some fun with the kids while you are at it.

Tell us what you’ve been up to in the comments below and don’t forget to share your updates with us in Operation Smile! 

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