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Tips and Tricks - 02-12-2019 - - 1 comments
5 Tips for Working in Nurseries

Working in a nursery can be a very challenging job but it is important that in that environment and around the little ones you know how to work effectively. Here are 5 quick tips to help you become the best nursery worker you can be.

  1. Ask plenty of questions – This will aid your own learning and helps you develop a better understanding of the environment you are in and the kiddie mayhem you’ll have to deal with. On a serious note, asking a lot of questions to completely understand what is expected of you is also important for the safety of the children.
  2. Get to know your team – Building good working relationships will make work more enjoyable for you especially during difficult hectic periods throughout the day. Watch what your colleagues have to do and how they work as you can pick up a working style that suits you.
  3. Stay Hygienic – Bugs are everywhere! Make sure there is a good supply of antibacterial wipes and tissue to keep the nursery as germ-free as you can. Also, try to wash your hands when you get a chance to reduce bacteria being spread around. You definitely don’t want to be catching any bugs from the many runny noses and chesty coughs that you’ll be around!
  4. Take a deep breath – Not every day will be fun, it’s a hard job but rewarding in the end. Pace yourself for each day as they will be different with new challenges to overcome all the time. Stay calm, take a deep breath and trust that once the struggles through the day have been overcome you will find it really rewarding.
  5. Be hands-on! – Get involved, throw yourself into the job and embrace the difficult times, the tantrums and the mess. The way you cope with these challenges given to you by the toddlers will develop your character, build on your traits and create personal growth. Also, don’t forget you will be a big part of the children’s lives in these nursery years (sometimes without you even knowing). Being hands-on and developing good relationships with the kids will make the day more enjoyable for both the children and yourself.


We hope that you’ve found this information useful and that we haven’t put you off a career as a nursery nurse. We have lots of nursey and early years roles available right now in Birmingham and Black Country, however, if nothing catches your eye feel to submit your CV


Christie - 2020-05-17

This very useful, I love to have good relationship with you, thank you

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